Things to Look Forward to as We Fall Back


So long, Summer.

It’s the First Day of Fall, but with all the smoke here in Southern Oregon due to the many regional wildfires, it doesn’t quite feel like the usual crisp, cooling-air-filled season that we’re used to. Despite the haze that’s covering our Cascadian mountains (and our hearts) thanks to the recent tragedy that was the Almeda Fire, I’m determined to make the most of my favorite time of year with a few obsessions worthy of Thoreau’s desire to “suck out all the marrow of life.” If you’re needing something to look forward to these next few months, I’ve got you.


The first being of course, MOVIES. I’ve shared my favorite autumnal films before, and certainly, a few have been added to the list, but none ever say Fall to me the way Dead Poets Society does (which I am putting it on as soon as I’m done here). So what is “Hyggeween” you may ask? Well, in case you haven’t read my post on How to Deal When You Despise Halloween, basically, it’s making the most of a holiday I tend to loathe. Hygge of course is the Danish lifestyle of cozy living, so the plan is to make the month of October as cozy as possible while embracing elements of Halloween. Like movies that I actually enjoy watching (while trying to do as many as possible in 31 days), decorations that may be a little off-beat, and cocktails and cuisine to inspire a glow from within. I guess like a Jack o’ Lantern. Eh, maybe I’ll decorate one of those too. 

Speaking of Hygge, nothing says cozy like soft, bulky sweaters, fleece-lined anything, and remember those cocktails I was talking about? Not to mention the endless possibilities for warm drinks. While I do have an extensive list of ideas for season-long hygge as well, I’m especially looking forward to wearing these new cozy Birks and long sweaters. And who says you have to wait til Thanksgiving to have turkey? With autumn vegetables and a desire for comfort food, we’re getting creative with our meal plans, trying out new recipes ahead of time (or making enough to freeze in case we just don’t feel like cooking a ginormous meal mid-pandemic/post-election). 


And since we’re getting creative, we’ve decided to do birthdays in our household a little differently the next couple of months. While my younger son and I both have October birthdays, and my older stepson is in November, my hubby is all alone with a spring birthday in April. So we’re doing a half-birthday for him (smack in the middle of Hyggeween which means Ghostbusters marathon) so we can go all out with our celebratory fun (because in case you aren’t familiar, one aspect of Danish hygge is to throw a party for any reason you can think of—birthdays especially). Since my older kid is turning 21 (and in college), it’s a great excuse for us to spend a weekend in Portland, which I haven’t done in nearly a year (thanks for that, COVID). So I’m definitely looking forward to a little big city time.

Letting Go

There’s nothing quite like the fall colors in the great Pacific Northwest. While the outer beauty is one of my favorite parts of the season, there is also a shift internally as well. I look forward to this time of year because it feels like a great time to let go of things that just aren’t worth holding on to anymore. Trees shedding their leaves is such a great metaphor for this idea. I’m practicing imagining being like the giant maple tree in our backyard (that recently lost a huge limb thanks to a crazy wind storm). I visualize my roots, grounding me deep to the earth. I surrender to the elements around me, the wind to blow through, the rain to nourish me from the inside out. I allow what is dead to fall away. Some of my favorite tools to help me with this is the Seasonal Soul journal* and the Insight Timer app


So, you may not like watching movies (but if that’s the case I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be reading my blog anyway), or have birthdays to celebrate in the coming months, or be able to buy yourself some cozy new clothes. Maybe you’re not into rain and pre-hibernation trees and cooler temps. That’s ok. Might I suggest making your own list of things to look forward to for the fall season. Maybe you can renew that library membership and read a ton of books. Maybe instead of cooking new recipes, you try a new restaurant’s take out or delivery service. Maybe you shift focus from your own life and find ways to support a struggling community. There are so many ways we can see the beauty in whatever stage of life we are; the trick is just to make each day a treat.

(I know. I made a terrible pun in hopes to bring a little smile to your face. You’re welcome and Happy Autumn.)

*Being totally transparent here, as an Amazon Associate, I do earn from qualifying purchases to help bring you stories like this one. If you can, support your local independent bookstore instead.

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately…
I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.

Henry David Thoreau

ObsessionsJulie Kirsten